Natural Remedies for Frequent Urination
Do you keep making frequent trips to the bathroom? Or, do you sometimes feel that you cannot make it to the washroom in time? Are these frequent trips to the washroom interfering with your quality of life, including social life? Are you avoiding going to parties and attending other functions because of this problem?
Frequent urination could be the result of an overactive bladder, or it could be the result of poor urine retention capacity, which could lead to incontinence. This is a rather sensitive issue and many people are quite embarrassed to discuss it with their doctor, far less anyone else. It is absolutely normal to go to the bathroom 4-6 times a day and your bladder can store urine until you evacuate it. But, if you pass urine more than 8 times a day, or if you have to wake up a couple of times in the middle of the night then it is time to see your doctor.
The Urge to Pass Urine Frequently May Have Several Causes, Such As:
- Extreme heat in the bladder or urinary tract
- Urinary tract infections
- Interstitial cystitis
- Nephritis
- Diabetes
- Prostate problems
- Excessive consumption of beverages or alcohol
- Intake of certain medicines
Here are a few simple methods to control the problem without having to take a number of unpleasant medicines.
1. Pomegranate Paste

Pomegranate skin is a great medicine that works wonders for the problem of frequent urination. Make a fine paste of pomegranate skin, and take a pinch of this paste along with a few drops of water twice a day. Take this for 5-6 days, and watch the magic happen! The antioxidants in the pomegranate bring down the heat in the bladder and reduces the urge for frequent urination.
2. Roasted Horse Gram
The horse gram is an excellent medicine for the treatment of urinary complaints. It is rich in calcium molybdenum and polypheols with antioxidants. Roast a few grams of horse gram and eat it with jaggery. For best results, continue eating for a few days.
3. Sesame Seeds
The sesame seed is a very rich source of vitamins, minerals, fibers, and it is a powerful antioxidant. Eat sesame seeds mixed with jaggery, and you will discover that it is an effective medicine for controlling excess urinary flow. For faster relief from frequent urination, mix a few grams of black sesame seeds, carom seeds, and jaggery and eat the mixture.
4. Boiled Spinach

Spinach is an excellent source of nutrition. Eat boiled spinach for dinner and it will rid you of the frequent urination urge at night. Drink a mixture of spinach juice and coconut water every day for excellent results. It has been found that spinach has the power to control the flow of urine.
5. Amla-Banana
Amla or the Indian gooseberry is widely used in many medications prepared by the Ayurveda system of medicine in India. The high amounts of anti-oxidants found in amla helps to cleanse your bladder and improve the strength of its muscles. Amla juice is good for people with weak sphincter muscles as it increases sphincter strength.
Crush 1 amla or grate it after de-seeding, and extract its juice. Add 1 tsp of sugar powder or jaggery to the freshly extracted amla juice and mix well. Add a banana and 1 tsp of honey. Eat this mixture about 2-3 times a day depending upon the severity of the infection.
6. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are an abundant source of natural chemical compounds that can effectively treat all types of urinary disorders, apart from being a powerful diuretic. Make a powder of fenugreek seeds, dry ginger, and bishop weed seeds (Ajwain), and mix it with honey or water. Take this mixture twice a day, and you will find that the urge to urinate has disappeared.
Fenugreek seeds are known to be a very good source of vitamins, phytonutrients, and minerals including zinc. Fenugreek seeds are an excellent medicine for frequent urination.
Take about 2-4 tbsp of fenugreek seeds and dry roast them in a pan till they change their color to dark brown, and allow them to cool. Once the fenugreek seeds cool down, grind them to powder and store in a small jar or bottle with a lid. Take ½ tsp of this roasted fenugreek seed powder and drink it daily with water.
7. Curds or Yoghurt

One of the effective natural remedies for frequent urination is to eat yogurt or plain curds. This yogurt or curds contains the beneficial bacteria - Lactobacillus acidophilus. Lactobacillus acidophilus is very effective in preventing the growth of harmful bacteria in your system, including the bladder and the urinary tract. But, do not eat flavored yogurt as it contains sweeteners as well as other artificial agents and does not contain the beneficial bacteria. Eat one or two bowls of curds every day as a cure for frequent urination.
Some Do's and Don'ts
People who complain of frequent urination should avoid certain foods that aggravate the urge to urinate. At the same time, they are advised to take certain foods that are good for the urinary system.
- Avoid chillies, peppers, and spicy food
- Avoid chocolates and caffeine products, such as coffee and tea
- Avoid fermented foods, red meat, baked, and tomato-based foods
- Eat more of fiber-rich foods such as apples, sweet potatoes, raspberries, beans, bananas, and brown rice
- Avoid or reduce your intake of alcohol
- Avoid artificial sweeteners
- Lose weight, if you are on the heavier side
You will have to make a few changes in your lifestyle to complement the treatment. A sedentary life is a definite No, No. Keep yourself physically fit by going for a walk, jogging, or doing a few exercises. You should do a few bladder-control exercises that will go a long way in reducing the urge for frequent urination. But it should be remembered that these exercises can help you only if you are sure that your urination problem is not associated with any medical conditions.
Exercises To Reduce Frequent Urination
Bladder control exercises are an excellent way to reduce the problem of frequent urination. The crux of the problem is that you need to retain urine for a longer time than you normally do. This will help in lengthening the intervals of urination and will help your bladder to hold urine for a longer time. You should do Kegel exercise, which involves contracting and releasing the pelvic floor muscles - this helps cut down the frequency of urination. By frequently doing this exercise, the bladder control will improve tremendously.
People with frequent urination problem should follow the above regimen, and you can be sure that the problem would be resolved in no time.