Dr.D.G. Dipankar
Ayurveda Specialist, Pune
- Dr.D.G. Dipankar is an Associate Professor, Pad. Dr. D. Y. Patil College Of Ayurveda, Pimpri, Pune
- He is a consultant Ayurveda Specialist at Snehadip Ayurvediya Panchakarma Center, Pune
- M.D. (kayachikitsa/medicine), Banaras Hindu University
- To study the therapeutic effect of an ayuvedic therapy
- To observe the serological & usg changes before & after ayurvedic therapy
Practice Information
Snehadip Ayurvediya Panchakarma Center, Pune
Sai Niwas-A, Plot No.112, Purnanagar, Behind R.T.O, Chinchwad, Pune, Maharashtra - 411017
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Achievements & Contributions
- Published Papers A diabetic nephropathy - case report - a full paper published in the souvenir of international on disorders of urinary system - holistic approach at Pune Maharashtra, 2-3 Feb.2002
- An Ayurvedic view of cerebellar ataxia -a full paper published in souvenir of national workshop on global promotion of traditional medicine, at Varanasi, on 8-9 Nov.2002
- Conferences Attended As A DelegateNIMACON - 2007 -organized by Nima Pimpri Chinchwad Branch on 9 sept. 2007
- Conference on " Present status of Medical Education , lacunae , standards & the way forward for betterment"-organized by Directorate of Medical Education & Research & Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik on 14 sept. 2007 at R.C.S.M. Government Medical College, Kolhapur
- Workshop on "Health Sciences Educational Technology" - from 22/5/2007 to 25/5/2007 - organized by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik., held at Aundh, Pune
- CME on Imaging of Genito - Urinary system at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri Pune on 10th Dec. 2005
- CME on research proposal & paper writing at Pad. Dr. D.Y. Medical College, Pimpri Pune on 22nd August 2005
- National conference on Ayurveda "Amul Ayurved 2003 on 27 & 28 Dec.2003 Pimpri , Pune
- National C.M.E. on emergency Medicine & symposium on Nephrology at Varanasi , on 16-17 March 2002
- First regional conference on regional cardiology at Varanasi on 30 Sept. 2001
- Update on allergy, arranged by Dept. of T.B. & Respiratory diseases, I.M.S., B.H.U., at Varanasi , on 18 Feb .2001
- Second annual conference of national Sushruta association at Varanasi, on 20-21 oct. 2000
- Conference on Nasya & vaman , organized by Bharati university, Pune in 1996
- The role of Rasaraj Rasa in Vatvyadhi- presented a guest lecture in C.M.E. at Chinchwad, Pune, Dec. 2005
- Asthikshaya and Osteoporosis- Pathophysiology & Principles of Management -presented as a guest lecture in conference on osteology, Pune, March 2005
- The role of Panchakarma in arthritis - a paper presented in conference of N.I.M.A. at Moghalsarai, Varanasi, U. P. March 2003
- The role of Taildhara in Sandhigata Vata- a poster presented as a co- author in a national conference on recent advances in Ayurvedic Medicine (RAAM), Varanasi, U. P. , March 2003
- The role of Devdali Nasya in Kamala- a paper presented in national conference on recent advances in Ayurvedic Medicine (RAAM), Varanasi, U. P., March 2003
- The role of Virechan in Kamala- a paper presented as a co-author in international congress of association of Anesthetics of Indian Medicine at Varanasi, U. P., Feb. 2003
- The effect of Swedan therapy & Mahatriphala Ghrita in the management of Lipid profile- a paper presented as a co-author in international congress of association of Anesthetics of Indian Medicine at Varanasi, U. P., Feb.2003
- The effect of Kumari in chronic ulcer- a paper presented in international congress of association of Anesthetics of Indian Medicine at Varanasi, U. P., Feb. 2003
- The role of shatavari mandoor in parinamshula- a paper presented as a co-author, in second international conference on Ayurveda Yoga 2003 at Bhilai, Chhatisagarh, on 14 Jan 2003
- Hepatitis-B-a case report-a paper presented in second international conference on Ayurveda & Yoga 2003 at Bhilai, Chhatisagarh, Jan 2003
- Rheumatoid Arthritis & its management by Ayurveda - a poster presented in World Ayurveda Congress 2002 at Kochi, Kerala, Nov.2002
- Rheumatoid Arthritis & its management by Ayurveda - a paper presented in World Ayurveda Congress 2002 at Kochi, Kerala, Nov.2002
- Rasayan therapy - a paper presented in third international seminar on Ayurveda, organized by Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat in Feb 2002
- Astrocytoma - case report - a paper presented in an international seminar arranged by Govt. Ayurvedic Colleg, Patna, Bihar, Dec .2002
- A diabetic nephropathy - case report - a paper presented in international on disorders of urinary system - holistic approach at Pune, Maharashtra Feb 2002
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