Doctors/Therapists in India
- Bangalore
- 1 Hospital
Dr. Mahesh Sharma
Ayurveda Specialist
MD (Ayurveda)
- Hyderabad
- 48 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- 4 Recommendations
Dr. Debasish Kundu
Homeopathy Doctor
MDH, FFHom, Ph.D. (USA)
- Kolkata
- 32 Years Experience
- 1 Private Practice
- Hyderabad
- 38 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- 5 Recommendations
Prof. Dr.B.D. Patel
Homeopathy Doctor
BHMS, MD (Hom)
- Bangalore
- 52 Years Experience
- 3 Hospitals
- 2 Recommendations
Dr. Rakesh Aggarwal
Ayurveda Specialist
BAMS, MD.(AM), MRSH(London)
- Faridabad
- 33 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Mumbai
- 35 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
Dr. Pradip Kumar Seth
Ayurveda Specialist
BAMS, Specially Trained in Kerala Panchakarma from Govt Of India And also traind in Therapeutic Yoga
- Kolkata
- 17 Years Experience
- 2 Hospitals
- 2 Recommendations
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