Dr. Goutam Das
Homeopathy Doctor, Barasat
- Dr. Goutam Das is a consultant in Homeopathy at Suraksha Barasat Clinic, Kestopur Clinic and Khardah Clinic
Practice Information
Suraksha The Barasat Clinic, Kolkata
83/10 Jessore Road ( South), Anima Apartment, Dak-Bungalow More Crossing , Barasat- 24 Pgs (N), Kolkata, West Bengal - 700124
Suraksha The Kestopur Clinic, Kolkata
BB-99, Prafulla Kanan, VIP Park, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700101
Suraksha Kharda Center, Kharda
24 Parganas, Usha Plaza 98, B.T. Road, P.O. & P.S , Kharda, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700117
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