Dr. Sunit Shangloo
Homeopathy Doctor, Allahabad
- Dr. Sunit Shangloo is a consultant in Homeopathy at Meerashangloo Homeopathic Clinic
- He is the Managing Director at Meerashangloo Homeopathic Clinic
- BHMS from University of Rajasthan (Jaipur)
Practice Information
Meerashangloo Homeopathic Clinic, Allahabad
70/ 59 Rani Mandi, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh - 211003
Patient Experience
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Achievements & Contributions
- Awarded The Star of Excellence' by the Faculty of Homoeopathy Malaysia
- Awarded International Hahnemann Award By Ex President of Costarica 2006
- Received the excellent speaker award in Jamshedpur
- Received Best Speaker Award in International Homoeopathic conferance held in Cosmopolitan Hotel Hongkong on 22 and 23 August 2009
- Presented the research paper on 'Homeopathic Can Cure Diseases Like Cancer and Aids- sep.2001
- Presented research paper on 'Role of Homoeopathy in Renal stone and its treatment' in Jamshedpur September 2002
- Presented Research paper on Uterine fibroid and ovarian cyst and its treatment in Homoeopathic conferance held in Calcutta May 2003
- Presented Research paper on Female Infertilaty and its cure in Kanpur January 2004
- Presented Research Paper on Cancer and Homoeopathic Treatment in Jhamshedpur 2005
- Presented research papaer on homoeopathic treatment of uterine fibroid and ovarian cyst in 61th LIGA World Congress held in Luzern Switzerland 2006
- Presented research paper on Asthma and Homoeopathic cure in homoeopathic conferance held in Calcutta August 2007
- Presented research paper on Homoeopathic cure of Renal stone in Homoeopathic conferance held by Newzeland council of homoeopathy - Hamilton Newzeland August 2007
- Presented research work on homoeopathc treatment of renal stone in 3rd Joint American Homoeopathic Conferance held in Rhodeisland America April 2008
- Presented research paper on homoeopathic treatment of congenital heart defect in Hongkong Aug22 &23 2009
- Presente reasearch work on homoeopathic cure to uterine fibroid and ovarian cyst in Australian homoeopathic medical conference - 13.14 November- Melbourne
Most Viewed Homeopathy Doctors in Allahabad
B.Sc, BMS, D.Sc
29 Years Experiance
MD (hom)
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