Dr. Harshal Ashok Pawar
Acupuncture Specialist, Kalyan
- Languages :English, Marathi, Hindi
Yoga & Meditation
Dr. Harshal Pawar is practicing Acupuncture, Acupressure, Yoga and massage therapy, Magnet therapy and Naturopathy since last 6 years. Dr. Pawar has offered his honorary services in many free medical camps. During this tenure doctor has successfully treated various diseases such as asthma, blood pressure, diabetes, joints ache, jaundice, acidity,kidney disorders, skin allergies, sinusitis, paralysis, & almost all types of muscular skeletal disorders like neck pains, cervical spondylitis , frozen shoulder , headaches ,all types of back pains, knee joint pains , ankle pain, heel pain ,calf muscle cramps , neuralgia etc., where in most of the cases were advised surgery by Orthopedic surgeons. Dr. Pawar is also serving patients by HOME VISIT.Education
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