Dr. Kamakhya Kumar
Yoga/Meditation teacher, Haridwar
MSc, Ph.D in Yoga
- Associate Professor, Dept of Yoga and Healthat Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar since Oct 2013 to till date.
- Chief Editor, International Journal of Yoga & Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278-5159)
- Chief Coordinator of Center of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Additional charge)
- Worked as Lecturer in Dept. of Human Consciousness & Yogic Science: since July 2002 to Sept 2013 at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
- Languages :English
- Website : http://www.indianyoga.org
Yoga & Meditation
- Psycho-physiological Changes as Related to Yoga Nidra
- Ph.D Yogic Science from Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar in 2006
- M.Sc Yogic Science from T M B University, Bhagalpur in 2001
- B.Sc Botany Hon’s from Magadh University, Bodh Gaya in 1997
Practice Information
Yoga at Work, Noida
33, VDS Market, Sector 110, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201301
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Achievements & Contributions
- ConferencesChaired a session in International Conference on “Veda and Thought Revolution” organized by World Association of Vedic Studies (WAVES) USA at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar between 14- 17th Mar 2012
- Deliver a talk in National Seminar on “Promotion of Parapsychological Abilities and Consciousness through Meditation” organized by Jain Vishwa Bharati University, Ladnun, Raj. Between 19-21 Jan 2012
- Deliver a talk in National Seminar on “Science of Consciousness & Yoga Traditions” organized by Dr Harisingh Gaur University, Sagar, MP. between 16-17 December 2011
- Deliver a lecture as resource person in “Six Days Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program” for Ayush Practitioners on 23rd May 2011, organized by Dept. of Human Consciousness and Yogic Science, Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
- Deliver a talk as invited speaker in International Symposium on Yogism organized by Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Science, Sevagram, Vardha, Maharastra, between 6 - 7 Dec 2010
- Worked as member of Organizing committee for International Festival of Yoga, Culture and Spirituality Organized by Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar between 8-13 Mar 2010
- Worked as Co-Chairperson in National Seminar on Yoga organized by Yoga Anusandhan Samsthan, Lucknow on 25th October 2009
- Worked as Moderator and Presented a paper in the National seminar on Value Based Education between 3-4 Oct 2009; Organized by Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar
- Worked as Moderator and Presented a paper in the National Yoga Week between 16-22 Feb 2009; Organized by Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi
- Presented a paper entitled A Study of the Effect of Yoga & Panchkarma Package on Blood Uric Acid Level of Gout Patientsin the seminar Traditional Knowledge System, Intellectual Property Rights and their Relevance for sustainable Development organized by NISCAIR New Delhi, between 24-26 Nov. 2008
- Worked as Moderator and Presented a paper in the National Yoga Week between 25-29 Feb 2008; Organized by Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi
- Worked as Moderator and addressed in National Conference on Yoga and its relevance in 21st Century between 16-17 March 2007; Organized by Yoga Dept, Gujrat Vidya Peeth, Ahmedabad
- Worked as Moderator and Presented a paper in the National Yoga Week between 12-16 March 2007; Organized by Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi
- Deliver a lecture as resource person in Holistic Management Program for Senior Executives at N.T.P.C. Korba, Chattish Garh, and trained Yoga - Meditation for Health Management and Stress Management, (Between 26 - 28 April 2006)
- Deliver a lecture as resource person in Faculty Development Program organized by Entrepreneurship Development Cell K.I.E.T. Ghaziabad, and Instructed Yoga and Meditation to the engineers of Ghaziabad between 29th Nov.2004 – 10th Dec. 2004 at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar
- Presented a research paper entitled “Psychological View of Corruption & Its Management through Yoga” Corruption in India: in the National Seminar on Origin, Causes & Solution between 01-02 Oct.2004 organized by Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar
- Participated in 14th International seminar on Frontiers in Yoga Research and Applications betwee18-21 Dec.2003 organized by Swami Vivekanand Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, Bangalore
- Presented a research paper entitled “Need of Yoga in Higher Education” in the National Seminar on Quality of Higher Education in General & Uttaranchal in Perticular between 28-29 Jul.2003 organized by Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar
- Participated in the workshop Scientific Technical Terminology organized by Department of Secondary & Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India (Between 2-3 May 2003) at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar
- Presented a research paper entitled ‘Practical Utility of Spirituality in Society’ in the National Seminar on Science, Spirituality & Social Values between 16-17 Nov.2002 organized by Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar
- National/University/Department Representative for following projects Coordinated the “Six Days Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program” for AYUSH Practitioners of Uttarakhanda between 5th – 10th June 2011, organized by School of Yoga and Health and Sponsored by R A V, Dept. of AYUSH Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India
- Coordinated the “One Month Yoga Training Program for School Teachers” from all districts of Uttarakhand, between 5th Nov to 4th Dec 2009 and all districts of U.P, between 21st Dec 09 to 20th Jan2010, organized by School of Yoga and Health and Sponsored by Dept. of AYUSH Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India
- Participated the Meeting as a resource person in two days program for making curriculum to Introduce Yoga to Physical Education Teachers, on 17-18 Sep. 2009 organized by N C E R T, New Delhi
- Attended the Meeting on National Campaign on Yoga and Naturopathy organized by CCRYN, New Delhi and another meeting over Yoga Task Force at MDNIY New Delhi On 13th August 2009
- Participated the Meeting as a resource person in two days program to finalize the Syllabus for Teachers Yoga Training course, organized by Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi on 8th and 9th July 2009
- Conducted the Yoga Awareness Program for School Children Organized by School of Yoga & Health, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar Sponsored by Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi. On 19th Feb 2009
- Represented the Vice Chancellor (DSVV) in the International Conference on Stress Management, Organized by Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education between 20-22Oct 2008
- Judged the Inter School Yoga Championship held at J.J.Hindu Inter College, Muradabad on 26th Aug 2006, 6th Oct 2007 and in 2009
- Coordinated One Month Fundamental Course of Yogic Studies for Non Yoga Students Between 8th Feb - 8th Mar and between 20th Mar – 20th Apr. 2006 at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar
- Conducted the Semester Examination in Dec.2005 as Deputy Examination Controller of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar
- Conducted the Educational tour three times as Tour In-charge of M.A 2nd Year student of Yogic Science deptt. Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar. Between 12th Dec.2003 to 25th Dec.2003. as well as between 25th Dec.2004 to 5th Jan2005 and Between 16th Dec. to 27th Dec.2007
- Conducted the Univ.Team as Team manager during Inter Univ. Yoga Championship held on Jan2003 at G.N.D.Univ.Amritsar
- Guide: Ph. D, Dissertations and Short Research Projects
- Co-investigator, in the research project entitled “Effect of Yogic Practices on Cardiac, Autonomic and Metabolic Parameters in patients of Coronary artery Diseases” at King Jorge Medical University, Lucknow, Funded by Central Council of Research in Yoga & Naturopathy, Dept. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. Dec 2006-Dec 2009
- Supervised research activities in the UniversitiesPh. D. Guide in C M J University, Meghalaya, India
- A Study on the Effect of Yogic Intervention on Gout Patients. (Amit Negi)
- A Study on the Effect of Yogic Intervention on some Psychological parameters of working women with special reference to Rishikesh. (Ravi Prakash)
- Ph. D. Guide in Singhania University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India
- A study on the effects of Yoga Intervention on High school Students on some Physiological & Psychological Variables. (Amit Kumar)
- A study on the effects of Yogic Intervention on Adjustment and Death anxiety level on Old Age People. (Mitu Singh)
- A Study on the Effect of Yogic Interventions on Physiological and Psychological Parameters among Adolescent Girls. (Shivani Bantra)
- A Study on the Effect of Omkar Chanting on Some Psychological Parameters in Men. (Neha Chaudhari)
- Psycho-physiological effects of Hath Yogic Practices on Human being, particularly of Shatkarma (Kanta Pr. Pokhariyal)
- Contribution of Acharya Rajnish in the development of Yoga Philosophy: An Analytical Study. (Vandana Agarwal)
- M. Phil Guided in The Global Open University, Nagaland
- Effect of Yogic Practices on blood glucose level in the patients of Diabetes Mellitus
- Digestive disorders and their management through Yoga Therapy and Naturopathy
- A Study of the Effect of Bhootshudhi Kriya on Alpha-EEG and GSR
- Effect of Yoga Nidra on B P & Heart rate over Hypertensive patients
- The Effect of Nadi Sodhan Pranayama on Emotional Maturity of PG level Girls
- Dissertation Guided in Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya
- Forty one (Total) since 2004 to 2011
- Dr Pranav Pandya and received the award in the auspicious presence of President of India H. H. Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam in the Year 2006
- List Of Books AuthoredYoga Education: A text Book; Shipra Publication, Delhi; ISBN 978-81-7541-603-1 (2012)
- Manav Chetana Evam Yoga Vigyan (Hindi); Drolia Pustak Bhandar, Haridwar, ISBN 978-81-920092-0-9 (2010)
- Yoga Rahasya (Hindi); Standard Publishers India, New Delhi; ISBN 978-81-87471-49-3 (2009)
- Super Science of Yoga; Standard Publishers India, New Delhi; ISBN 81-87471-40-9 (2008)
- Yoga Mahavigyan (Hindi); Standard Publishers India, New Delhi; ISBN 81-87471-59-2 (2007)
- Yoga Therapy ; Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar on 11th July 2006
- Yoga Chikitsa Sandarshika (Hindi) ; Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar on 29th June 2004
- Yoga Psychology: A Handbook of Yogic Psychotherapy; D K Printworld, Delhi (In press)
- A Handbook of Yoga Nidra; D K Printworld, Delhi (In press)
- Yoga and Health; Shipra Publication, Delhi (In press)
- List Of Research PublicationA Study on the Effect of Yogic Intervention on R A Factor in Gout Patients; International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences, New Delhi Vol. 1, No. 2 June 2012. pp 126-130
- Yogic Intervention and its Effect on General Well Being; International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences, New Delhi Vol. 1, No. 2 June 2012. pp 150-155
- A Study on the Effect of Yogic intervention on serum glucose level on Diabetics; International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences, New Delhi Vol. 1, No. 1 June 2012. pp 68-73
- A study on the impact on ESR level through Yogic Relaxation Technique Yoga nidra; Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge; N I S C A I R, New Delhi Vol. 11, No.2 Apr 2012. pp 358–61
- Effect of Bhoot Suddhi Kriya on EEG Alpha; Yoga Mimansa, Kaivalyadham Lonavala, Maharastra Vol. 43, No 4. pp 310-15
- Effect of Learning Music as a Practice of Nada Yoga on EEG Alpha and General Well Being; Yoga Mimansa, Kaivalyadham Lonavala, Maharastra Vol.XLIII No.3 2011. pp 215-20
- Self Management through Psycho-spiritual Techniques; SEVAMED (Oct 2011) 10 (4) pp1-2
- Effect of Yogic Practices on lipid profile and body fat composition in patients of coronary artery disease; Complementary Therapies in Medicine (June 2011) 19, (3) 122—127
- Introduction to Patanjal Yoga; Nature & Wealth, vol X no.2; Apr- June 2011 pp 9-10
- Yagyopathy: A New Dimension of Research in Therapy System; Nature & Wealth, vol X no.1; Mar 2011
- Pragya Yoga; Seva Chetana, Vol 11, No 1 (2011) 164 - 166
- Laghu Samkha Prakshalana: Is It an Influential factor in General Health Status; Yoga Mimansa, Kaivalyadham Lonavala, Maharastra Vol.XLII No.4 – Jan 2011
- Strengthen the Education System Through Yogic Intervention; Yoga Education, A.P.H Publishing Corporation, New Delhi , 2011
- Psychological Changes as related to Yoga Nidra; International Journal of Psychology: A Biopsychosocial Approach 2010 (6) pp 129-137
- Stress free life through Yoga Nidra; Souvenir, International Symposium on Yogism (Dec 2010) 36-38
- Essence of Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo; Nature & Wealth, vol IX no.3; Jul 2010
- A Study on the Effect of Neti on Optic Nerve Conduction Velocity; Yoga Mimansa, Kaivalyadham Lonavala, Maharastra Vol.XLII No.1 - April 2010
- Experience Swadhyaya for Healthy Mind; Nature & Wealth, vol IX no.2; Apr 2010
- Reversing the Ischemic Heart Disease through Yogic Relaxation Souvenir of National Yoga Week Feb 2010; Organized by Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi
- Practice of Yoga to Improve Moral Values in Children’s Education System ; Nature & Wealth, vol IX no.1; Jan 2010
- Chairman, Indian Association of Yoga, New Delhi.
- Managing Trustee, Srimati Indu Devi Memorial Charitable Trust, Lakhisarai, Bihar.
- Vice President Shiva Sheva Vikash Samiti Meerut, U.P.
- Vice President of Prakhar Yoga Samiti, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar.
- Secretory, Vishwa Yoga Bharti, Panchala Siddha Nagaur
- Chief Advisor, Kaya Care Wellness Center, Ludhiyana, Punjab.
- Member of Research Degree Committee (Yogic Science) Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar.
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