Javad Khansala
Yoga/Meditation teacher, Bangalore
- Founder of ‘Antarsukha yoga and Kayavyuha yoga ’ - a Hatha Yoga school operating in Bangalore, India
- Javad Khansalar was the founder of ‘Antarsukha yoga and Kayavyuha yoga ’- a thriving Hatha Yoga school operating in Bangalore, India from 1998 to 2006 In 2006
- Mr. Javad Khansalar relocated to Canada where he has established the Antarsukha School of Hatha Yoga in Hamilton,Ontario,Canada
- Javad is also a certified Yoga Theripist, and has worked in conjunction with medical practitioners for many years in the successful holistic treatment of a wide range of psychological disorders and physical illnesses ranging from fertility problems, asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, gastric and ulcer disorders
- He has developed a close association with Aikido headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, as well as the Aikido Takemusu Federation of India, headquartered in Bangalore, India
- Languages :English
Yoga & Meditation
Practice Information
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Achievements & Contributions
- Custom / Specialised Yoga CoursesJavad has also developed a number of customised / specialised yoga courses for the settlement counsellor- London Cross Cultural Learner Center (CCLC), located in London Ontario, Canada
- The senior staff at the Indian Institute of Science - National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), located in Bangalore, India
- The teaching staff of the Canadian School of India, located in Bangalore, India.
- Advanced yoga students, including those undertaking the formal teacher training course at the Atma Darshan Yagashram in Bangalore, India
- Obtained formal “Teacher Training Certificate” from Swami Kriyananda (president of Atma Darshan Yogashram), Swami Yogarathna and Swami Anandmangal of the Bangalore branch of the Bihar school of Yoga, India, in Oct 1991
- In 1994 began an intense residential Teacher Training Course at the headquarters of the Bihar School of Yoga, located in Munger, Bihar, India - headed by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati
- Trustee of the Atma Darshan Yogashram (Bihar school of Yoga), located in Bangalore, India from 1998 to 2006, where he also conducted advanced yoga classes
- Certified Yoga Therapist (Certificate issued by the Atma Darshan Yogashram, Bangalore, India.)
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