Aadvance Integrated Medicine, Kalyan
Vedmantra, Off Agra Road, Near Dakshin Mukhi Marruti Mandir, Agra Road, Kalyan, Maharashtra - 421301
- 3 Specialities
- 1 Doctor
A.I.M treatments are highly focussed on the individual following a detailed consultation process. Focusing on specialized traditional best ayurvedic treatments with ayurvedic medicines, preventive ayurveda care and rejuvenation therapies, Panchkarma, Skin Probelem, Pain, Nadi-Parikshan, Ayurvedic Consiltation, Garbha Sanskar. Accurate diagnosis with help of ancient diagnositic techniques of nadi parikshan, udar parikshan and other ayurvedic diagnostic methodologies with integration of modern clinical practices and investigations is done . This way, we can tailor make an appropriate treatment regime which ensures best results for the patient. All treatment is carefully monitored to ensure beneficial adjustments are made. We are proud of the excellent standard of health care we provide in a relaxed setting at very effective cost.
A.I.M is a best ayurvedic hospital & operates 4 centers in Maharashtra state in west of India. Clinics are located in kalyan , thane, dadar , pune.
Please do not hesitate in contacting us to discuss your health needs. We are confident we can treat you successfully in an atmosphere of trust and support.
- Website : http://www.aim-health.in
- Acupuncture
- Ayurveda
- Yoga & Meditation
ayurveda, panchakarma, acupuncture, acupressure, manoved, marmachikitsa, ayurveda for cancer, diabetes, arthritis, spine care, joint and pain careTimings
Mon - Sat : 10:30AM - 01:30PM
05:30PM - 09:00PM
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