Amba Ayurveda Hospital, Kottayam
Perunna, Changanassery , Kottayam, Kerala - 686555
- 2 Specialities
- 1 Doctor
- Website : http://www.ambaayurveda.org
- Ayurveda
- Yoga & Meditation
- Rejuvenation
- De-toxification
- Immunity development
- Stress management (Psychological and other related conditions)
- Rheumatic complaints
- Diabetes
- Osteoarthritis (Arthritic diseases)
- Lumbar or cervical spondyloysis and sciatica (Spine related conditions)
- Nervous disorders (Neurology)
- Frozen shoulder and other musculo-skeletal conditions
- Digestive disorder (Gastro intestinal tract)
- Geriatrics
- Skin diseases (Dermatology)
- Obesity (Bariatrics)
- Eye diseases (Ophthalmology)
- Headache
- Insomnia
- Sinusitis (ENT disorders)
- Paralysis (Stroke and other CNS or central nervous system disorders)
- Hemorrhoids (piles)
- Upper Respiratory tract problem like asthma (Pulmonology)
- Stress and Strain related problem
- Spacious, hygienic, well-furnished rooms - A/c and non A/c. complete with Colour TV and other amenities
- Cafeteria
- Large open space with fresh, pollution-free atmosphere
- Ample parking space and round-the-clock communication facilities including e-mail and telephone; both domestic and overseas
- Clean and fully equipped treatment rooms (Separate for men and women)
- Pick up and drop off facilities
- Full-time resident physician
- Female doctor’s service available during the day and at other times on request
- Doctor on call round the clock, every day
- Facilities for Yoga and meditation under expert guidance
- Ayurvedic pharmacy on site selling medicines
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