Angels Clinic, Mumbai
N.S. Rd. no. 12 J.V.P.D. Scheme, Mahalaxmi Ground Floor. S/6 Kapole Society, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400049
- 2 Specialities
- 2 Doctors
Angels Clinic is a Specialty Mental Health Clinic. Its essence lies in treating, maintaining and enhancing the mental health of children, adults and families.
- Website : http://www.angelscure.com
- Homeopathy
- Yoga & Meditation
- Psychological
- Neuro-developmental
- Psychiatric And Psycho-educational Disturbances
- Counselling
- Psychometric Testing
- Remediation / Special Education
- Arts Based Therapy
- Play Therapy
- Dance & Movement Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Hypnotherapy & Regression Therapy
- Diet and Nutrition Counselling
- Graphotherapy
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