Arogyamandir - Center Of Health Priority, Nanded
Latur Phata Chowk, CIDCO Corner, Vasarni, Nanded, Maharashtra - 431603
- 3 Specialities
- 5 Doctors
Multispeciality Hightech CENTER of HEALTH PRIORITY
To provide real and quality service to patient through AYURVED,Panchakarma,YOGA with Naturecure ,Real and faithfull guidelines with prognosis regarding disease is curable or not ..counselling real with assistance of refer to higher center
- Ayurveda
- Naturopathy
- Yoga & Meditation
Ayurved super consulatation,Panchkarma procedures with Yoga,Nature cureTimings
Mon - Sat : 01:00PM - 03:00PM
Sun : 05:30PM - 08:30PM
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