Ayusham Panchkarma Hospital, Rajkot
Dr. Sunil Shahs Hospital, 2nd Floor, 14 - Sardar Nagar, Rajkot, Gujarat - 360001
- 1 Speciality
Aayushyam Panchkarma Hosputal is based in Rajkot, Gujarat. It provides bio purification, cleansing therapy (Panchkarma treatment) to highest standards of quality treatment whilst staying to the principles of Ayurved. Aayushyam Panchkarma Hospital is founded on the fundamentals of the ancient holistic health science of India that is Ayurved. This only health science provides excellent health of physical as well as mental and spiritual by creating harmony between a person’s body and nature.
- Ayurveda
- Snehan karma (Oleation therapy)
- Swedan karma (Sudation therapy)
- Vaman karma (Therapeutic Emesis)
- Virechan karma (Therapeutic Purgation)
- Basti karma (Therapeutic enemata)
- Nasya karma (Errhine therapy)
- Raktamoxan (Blood letting therapy)
- Shiro dhara
- Kati basti and Prustha basti
- Janu basti
- Uro basti
- Kaya seka
- Akshi tarpan
- Nadi swed
- Pind swed - Patra pind swed
- Shirobasti
- Bidalak
- Padaghat and Karna puran
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