Ayushman Ayurveda Health Care, Pondicherry
Villianur Main Road, 147, Dr. CVG Plaza, Reddiyar Palayam, Pondicherry, Pondicherry - 605010
- 1 Speciality
- 2 Doctors
Ayushman is the Ayurvedic Treatment & Rejuvenation centre established in Pondicherry, South India. Ayushman offers classical ayurvedic treatments for wide range of illnesses, rejuvenation therapy to cleanse and refresh both body and mind. Ayushman is an effort to provide authentic ayurvedic treatment in compliance with international standards in Pondicherry. This ayurvedic centre has the state-of-art treatment facilities, yoga and meditation hall, special accommodation for VIPs and deluxe rooms as well as Ayurvedic pharmacy in the campus. Ayushman provides out-patient treatment facilities also regularly.
- Website : http://www.ayushman.in
- Ayurveda
- Abhyanga (oil massage)
- Pichu (treatment for ailments of head)
- Pizhichil (anointment of the whole body)
- Thakradhara (treatment for migraine and headaches)
- Sirodhara/Shirodhara (forehead oil flow treatment)
- Sirolepa (treatment for sound and peaceful sleep)
- Kizhi (treatment for sports injuries and muscular atrophy)
- Snehapaana (treatment for osteoarthritis, sporaris and leukemia)
- Swedana (sweat treatment)
- Virechana (treatment for pitta disorder or acidity)
- Vasti (treatment for vata disorder)
- Vamana (treatment for kapha disorder)
- Nasya (treatment for nostrils)
- Rakta Moksha (treatment for infectious diseases)
- pharmacy
- Mon - Sun : 09:00am - 01:00pm
02:00pm - 08:00pm
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