Coral Naturopathy & Yoga Centre, Nashik
Coral Garden, Near Dastgiri Baba Dargah, Behind Rajgruhi Society, Lam Road, Deolali, Nashik, Maharashtra - 422401
- 2 Specialities
- 2 Doctors
- Website : http://www.coralnaturopathy.com
- Naturopathy
- Yoga & Meditation
- Luxurious swimming pool
- Comfortable garden with lawn
- Hot Foot Bath & Tub Bath
- Steam Bath
- Local Steam Application
- Massage & Magnets
- Cold & Hot Pack & Mud Packs
- Arthritis
- Yogasana & Meditation
- Diabetes
- Ulcer
- Psychosomatic Disorders and Asthma many more with Herbal Medication
- Heart Diesase
- Cervical & Lumber
- Spondilitis
- Migraine
- Digestive Disorder
- Acidity Problem
- M.C.Problems
- Backache
- Hypertension
- Slip Disc
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