Dr. Manishas Multispeciality Health Clinic, Dhanbad
Sardar Patel Nagar, Dhanbad, Jharkhand - 826001
- 1 Speciality
- 2 Doctors
Dr Manisha’s Clinic
is very renowned clinic in Jharkhand & Bihar, currently treating
patients from all over country
also. Dr. Manishas Multispeciality Health Clinic is famous for treatment of Hair,
Skin, Arthritis, Female & Children problem, Mesotherapy, Stem cell
Therapy, PRP and
Dr Manisha’s Multispeciality Health Clinic would like to
humbly take credit for being able to spread benefit of homoeopathic
to thousands of families, all over country. Dr Manisha’s
Multispeciality Health Clinic is working hard to augment the work base,
the task calls for spreading the message of homoeopathy to
people in every city and every village across the country.
- Website : http://www.drmanishas.in
- Homeopathy
- Hair Grow
- Meso Therapy
- Hair, Skin,Arthritis
- Female & Children problem
- Mesotherapy
- Stem cell Therapy
- PRP and Cosmetology
- Sun - Fri: 09:00am - 01:00pm
04:30pm - 08:00pm
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