Health Care Homoeopathy, Alappuzha
Radha Building, Near Bismi Hypermarket, YMCA Road, Alappuzha, Kerala - 688001
- 1 Speciality
- 6 Doctors
- Website : http://www.healthcarehomoeopathy.com
- Homeopathy
- Paediatric Problems
- Bacterial & Viral Infections
- Skin
- Diseases of the Head, Brain & Nervous system
- Diseases of Eye
- Diseases of Ear, Nose & Throat
- Respiratory problems
- Heart
- Mouth
- Gastric Ailments
- Rectum
- Gynaecological Disorders
- Menopausal Disturbances
- Infertility
- Diseases of the Bones & joints
- Renal Disorders
- Allergies
- Hormonal problems
- Surgical Cases
- Problems of Men
- Travelling Sickness
- Geriatric Problems
- De-addiction Therapy
- Cosmetic Problems
- Problems of the Teens
- Emotional & Psychological Disturbances
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