Jaslok Hospital And Medical Research Institute, Mumbai
15,Dr.G.Deshmukh Marg, Pedder Road, Cumballa Hill, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400026
- 1 Speciality
- 1 Doctor
Jaslok Hospital is a private, full-fledged multi-speciality hospital with 364 beds of which 75 are ICU beds. The number of consultants has increased from the initial 50 to around 265 with 140 fully trained resident doctors. Hospital is having college of nursing, providing B. Sc. Nursing degree with annual admission of 25 students. Jaslok Hospital are having all qualified nurses & some of them are having additional qualification & specialization.Jaslok also attracts a significant number of patients from abroad. The institution now has around 35 established specialities and these are growing steadily. The departments are equipped with state of art equipment and manned by trained & dedicated staff many of whom now run training programs. Jaslok is now a full-fledged teaching institution and conducts postgraduate courses as well as a nursing school being recognised the National Board of Examinations in 22 specialties.
- Website : http://www.jaslokhospital.net
- Acupuncture
- Bloodbank
- Pharmacy
- Patient Rights
- General Payment
- OPD Schedule
- Casualty
- Health Check up
- Day Care
- Blood Bank
- Admission Procedure
- Discharge Procedure
- Diagnostic Services
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