Rajasthan Hospitals, Ahmedabad
Shahibaug, Camp Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380004
- 1 Speciality
- 2 Doctors
Rajasthan Hospitals is a 250 bed multidiscipline, super specialty tertiary health care centre providing succor in nearly all disciplines of medical science including alternative sciences under one roof, without distinction in caste, creed or religion. All facilities are provided 24 x 7 by qualified Doctors and Nurses trained in India and abroad. To aid in diagnosis and treatment the Institute has its own investigation facilities supported by latest & quality medical equipment.The super specialty treatments are provided at rates affordable to common man with special assistance to the poor and needy patients.
- Website : http://www.rajasthanhospitals.org
- Ayurveda
- 24 hours Emergency services with round the clock experienced physicians to treat critically ill patients
- Ambulance round the clock
- ICU Ambulance
- Critical Care Unit
- Operation Theatre
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