Sakhii Hospital, Bangalore
Billekhalli, BTM 2nd Stage, Off. Bannerghatta Road, #123, 7th Cross, Dollars Colony, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560076
- 1 Speciality
- 2 Doctors
Sakhii Hospital We are dedicated to serve women of all ages with the best, most reassuring treatment for their needs. Their goal is to provide you with the highest quality medical care available that focus on you and is sensitive to your unique needs. Their Consultant Gynaecologists are leaders in their fields and their expertise spans a wide range of services including gynaecology, sexual health, fertility care, healthy contraception and advice on managing the menopause, all supported by the most up to date diagnostic equipment.
- Website : http://www.sakhiihospital.in
- Ayurveda
- Highly qualified handpicked consultants & staff
- A welcoming, reassuring atmosphere
- Family-friendly patient and visitor facilities
- World-class technology with well equipped state-of-the- art infrastructure
- A supportive work environment that enhances the care provided by our staff.
- Laboratory & Diagnostic Services
- Spacious and well furnished rooms
- Wide range of rooms to suit your comfort (Private Suite, Semi private, Deluxe & Twin sharing rooms)
- Lamaze classes
Awards & Contributions
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