Shanthi Ayurvedic Psoriasis Hospital, Malappuram
Airport Road, Pulikkal, Malappuram, Kerala - 673637
- 1 Speciality
- 4 Doctors
Psoriasis hospital is an ayurvedic hospital which started operations in the year 2004. Since then hundreds of patients with different types of psoriasis and other chronic skin disorders like eczema, scleroderma, and pemphigus etc. Shanthi Ayurvedic Psoriasis Hospital all have been treated here very successfully. The treatment is done under the supervision of expert ayurvedic doctors.
- Website : http://www.psoriasishospital.com
- Ayurveda
- Eczema
- Scleroderma
- Pemphigu
- Mon - Sat: 09:00am - 01:00pm
03:00pm - 07:00pm
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Awards & Contributions
- Shanthi Ayurvedic Psoriasis Hospital Nehru Pease Foundation Award 2009
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